A half-dozen gorgeous long-stemmed pink roses with a long-lasting greeting card! What better way to bring it up than with roses? Our roses are particularly grown to emphasize the statement you wish to convey to the receiver. They are large, pleasantly plump and robust, and they stay a long time.
These lovely flowers are supplied fresh, budding, and ready to bloom in order to extend their lifespan.
Not Included is the Vase
Delivery Details:
The presented image of flowers is representative in nature. The design of the actual product may change depending on what's available locally to accommodate last-minute delivery.
There will only be one attempt to deliver flowers to the recipient's address because they are perishable. There isn't another address to which the delivery can be diverted.
This goods will be transported by our courier partners, thus the delivery date is an estimate. The delivery date of your gift can be either one business day before or one business day after the selected date.
Flowers can be sent in bud, semi-blossomed, or fully bloomed stages.
Policy for Substitution: Due to regional or temporary shortages, it may occasionally be necessary to substitute different flowers or designs in order to deliver the present on time. The new flowers or design will be comparable in value.