The Blue And Gold Chocolate Bouquet
The Blue and Gold Chocolate Bouquet

The Blue and Gold Chocolate Bouquet

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What's Included :

  • Bittersweet dark chocolate enrobing a whole cherry drenched in cherry cream liqueur. Contains 9 chocolates.
  • Emulsifiers (soy lecithin), water, lactose, alcohol, sugar, cocoa mass, glucose syrup, cherries, and flavorings. includes 48% minimum cocoa solids. MAY HAVE OTHER NUTS' TRACES IN IT. created in Australia using both domestic and foreign materials.

  • Delivery Information :

  • As product is dispatch using the service of our courier partner, the date of delivery is estimate.
  • Our courier partners do not call prior to delivering an order, so we recommend that you provide an address at which someone will be present to receive the package.
  • The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address.
  • No Delivery On Sunday / Holidays
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