Cadbury Roses Chocolate Bouquet
Cadbury Roses Chocolate Bouquet

Cadbury Roses Chocolate Bouquet

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Details of Product

A startling way to honor a meaningful occasion! This lovely bouquet of chocolate is sure to make your loved one feel goodness. When ready, your chocolate bouquet will arrive just as shown, ready to be seen and shared by all. For those who enjoy Cadbury's Chocolate Roses, this is a delicious treat. Fit for vegetarians. In addition, if you haven't tasted Roses, they are an amazing assortment of chocolates that include Cadbury Dairy Milk Chunks, Strawberry Dreams, Country Fudge, Hazelnut Whirls, Tangy Orange Cremes, and Caramels!

What's in the package:

  • One presentation box featuring printed ribbon
  • One heart-shaped I love you balloon on a stick
  • Four chocolate truffles from Lindt Lindor
  • 2 Cadbury Flakes
  • Two Happy Bars made of coconuts
  • 4 x Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate Bars
  • Cadbury Roses, 8-piece box, 187g
  • A presentation box made of gold with gift packaging.The deadline for delivery the next day is 6 p.m. (IST).

    Information about Delivery:

  • Since our courier partner is dispatching the items, the delivery date is estimated.
  • We advise you to specify an address where someone will be present to receive the box, as our courier partners do not phone before delivering an order.
  • There isn't another address to which the delivery can be diverted.
  • Holidays and Sundays are not delivered.
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