Externally, delightful to witness! Our Medley Bouquet, which is overflowing with a selection of the most well-known chocolate bars, is just perfect for a chocolate lover. Every treat is usually combined to create a stunning bouquet that will amaze and energize the lucky recipient! Your bouquet will arrive exactly as shown; all chocolate items are arranged against a vibrant backdrop of cellophane, and a 9-inch Congrats balloon on a stick is included.
Included are:
Maltesa Bag in two sizes
Time Out twice
Kit Kat (2 Finger) x 2
Wispa Gold x 2
Boost times one One Twix bar
A single Snickers bar
Crunchie number one
Milk Bounty x 1
Bournville (100g) Bar x 1
Mars Bar x 1
Happy 9 Balloon on Stick
Gift Box in Gold
Satin Ribbon and Gift Packaging for Chocolate SensationsThe deadline for delivery the following day is 6 p.m. (IST)
Information about Delivery:
Since our courier partner is dispatching the items, the delivery date is estimated.
It is advised that you specify an address where someone will be present to receive the box, as our courier partners do not phone before delivering an order.
There isn't another address to which the delivery can be diverted.